Родословная котят
Ch. Number One from Philadelphia BRI a |
Elemelek Luludi*PL BRI a
Inky Imagine Roxera*LT BRI a
S.Ch. Finch’s Cooper BRI a
I.CH. Desdemona Roxera*LT BRI a
Yo-Yo Swing Luludi*PL BRI a
Felix Mclior*BY BRI a
Sunrise Baby Luludi*PL BRI a
Felicita from Philadelphia*RU BRI a
W.Ch. Oscar’s Sergant Pepper vom Wernerwald BRI a
Julian's Oscar blue v.Wernerwald BRI a
CH. Anne's Charlotte blue v.Wernerwald BRI a
Ch. Ofelia Uma-Sofle of Philadelphia BRI a
I.Ch. Bleu Bernic from Sham BRI a
Demaris Mishelina Verdjiniya Blue Star of Ofelia BRI a
UA*PlushAristoCrAT Tiffany
ES' de Avellaneda Arthur King BSH a
Pokemon Go From Town-House*D BSH a
CZ*Angelot Charme Sens Lavres BSH a
Bette Davis from Town-House BSH a
Leontine Laureen Cherie, CZ BSHa
Natsumi Blue Angel Luludi'PL (CZ) BSH a
Pennsylvania Amazing Aisha’PL (CZ) BSH a
Floriana Golden Scroll BSH c
GIC (WCF) Lysander from Sham BSH p 03
IC. Jim Bob von Stefina's Garden BSH o 02
Luna from Sham BSH c
Rafaela’s Bambini from Sham BSH j 03
Ch. Cinturion de Antesto BSH d
Ch.Rafaela from Sham BSH n 01 63